Monday, May 28, 2012

See Sora SPLIT!

Just after midnight, in the very first minutes of 
that SPLIT Saturday Morning, 
Sora and John look into each other's eyes with 
"Oh wow—this is really happening!!!" glee. 

Heart's a-warming.
Heart's a-pounding.

Just the way we like it.

The best flight to Berlin didn't leave out of JFK till later that evening,
so we all ran home to rest up a bit, and then met up again at Sora's home in the late afternoon...

 ...where she fed us this incredible juice she'd made...

...and showed us around her charming apartment...
...and wowed our crew with her wise spirit and electric grace...

...and was cheered on by her fastidious neighbors...

...dotted some i's...

...crossed some t's...


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